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KINESITHERAPY Under certain blood disease

The section will present some blood diseases in which the means of physical training and massage improves blood values, health and general health status of patients.


Leukemia - a systemic disease of the blood. Now allocate acute and chronic leukemias.

For acute leukemia is characterized by increasing "groundless" weakness, malaise, and sometimes shortness of breath, dizziness due to anemia.

Symptoms of chronic leukemia: swollen lymph nodes (sometimes simultaneously with the increase in detect changes in the blood, in some cases it appears later), enlarged spleen, at least - an increase of the liver. The content of neutrophils, platelets and red blood cells for many years may remain at normal levels. But in the bone marrow of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia lymphocyte count increases dramatically.

Development of the disease is often accompanied by decline in total gammaglobulin level. Inhibition of humoral immunity is manifested by frequent infectious complications, particularly pneumonia. Another frequent complication - cytopenia, often - anemia, and thrombocytopenia.

The combination of physical activity and rest within the protectively-therapeutic regime creates optimal conditions for the improvement of the patient.

Massage with oxygen therapy, MH use in treatment primarily as a means of preventing complications in the cardiorespiratory system as well as for therapeutic purposes. When inpatient treatment in MH include General developing and breathing exercises, as well as walks in the woods (the park).

Form of exercise therapy used morning hygienic gymnastics (UHG), walks, skiing, skating, etc. It is also recommended exercises with rubber bandages, balls, gym with a stick.

Contra: sauna (bath), UV (tanning). Not recommended as tempering procedures, swimming at city pool (high chlorine content in water), rivers and other waters because of the possibility of colds by reducing the immunity of patients.

The best conditions for treatment - a pine forest, temperate European climate, high-energy food (copious amounts of animal protein, vitamins, dairy foods, fruits and vegetables).

Massage is used in treatment of chronic forms of leukemia. Shows a full body massage incorporating techniques segmental-reflex massage. Duration of treatment 15-25 minutes daily; course of 15-20 procedures. You also need to work on acupressure points to stimulate the body's defenses. During the massage are excluded: hack, effleurage, squeezing.


Lymphoma - a system hyperplastic process, which consists in lymphoreticular proliferative growth in the lymph nodes, spleen and other organs. Distinguish between cutaneous lymphoma and lymphatic nodes (cervical, axillary, groin, etc.). The increased lymph nodes have a dense consistency, fused together in packages, painless and immobile.

Characteristic symptoms: itchy skin, sweating, undulating fever, weakness, fatigue.

The massage is conducted in chronic limfogranulomatoza, in remission. Massage is not performed if there is necrosis of nodes, skin, etc. Do not massage and lymph nodes. In carrying out the massage focuses on the impact of segmental (paravertebral region, the output of spinal nerves), massage of the lower limbs, chest and upper extremities. Excluded methods: hack, effleurage, squeezing, deep, strong kneading. Duration of the massage for 15-20 minutes. Course of 15-25 procedures. Throughout the year, 3-4 courses.


Hyperplastic myeloproliferative process - extensive proliferation of bone marrow (myeloid) tissue - is accompanied by increased production of blood elements, mainly erythrocytes.

The main symptom of the disease - true hyperemia, manifested intense flushing of the skin and visible mucous membranes. Marked increase of skin capillaries, often raises blood pressure, there may be flushing to the head, tinnitus, headaches, fatigue, drowsiness. On the background of increased blood viscosity observed thrombosis. The disease is chronic.

When the complex treatment of massage is used. Massages the neck area, back, buttocks, lower limbs, thorax and abdomen. Excluded methods: hack, effleurage and deep (hard) kneading. Duration of the massage for 15-20 minutes. Course of 15-18 procedures. During the year, 3-4 courses.


Anemia (anemia) - decrease in blood total hemoglobin, which, except for acute blood loss, characterized by decreased levels of hemoglobin per unit volume of blood. In most cases of anemia decreases the level of red blood cells.

Anemia is always secondary, ie they are one of the symptoms of some common diseases.

We consider only some of anemia, when the means of physical training, massage, oxygen therapy to promote normalization of hemoglobin (Hb).

Iron-deficiency anemia associated with iron deficiency in the body, leading initially to multiple trophic disorders (dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss, etc.) as a function of tissue worsens respiratory enzymes containing iron, and then disrupted the formation of Hb, develops hypochromic anemia .

The main causes of anemia are inadequate intake of iron and chronic blood loss (haemorrhoids, duodenal ulcer, stomach, etc.), special group of patients who underwent resection of the small intestine.

Patients complain of lethargy, fatigue, constipation, headaches, hair loss and there was also pale skin and mucous membranes, heart palpitations, shortness of breath on exertion, etc.

A key indicator of disease - reducing the level of iron in serum (normal 0,7-1,7 g / l or 70-170 mg%).

Comprehensive treatment includes: medication, diet, fortification of foods, exercise therapy, massage, moderate exercise (dosed walking, skiing, boating, cycling, etc.), outdoor play.

Massage with anemia: massage your lower back (paravertebral region), lower limbs, the chest (petting and rubbing of the intercostal muscles), abdomen and arms. Apply stroking, rubbing and kneading shallow. Excluded percussion techniques and squeezing. Also needed to activate respiration (compression of the chest as you exhale patient). Duration of the massage for 10-15 minutes, the course of 15-20 procedures. After the massage, oxygen therapy is shown (the inhalation of humidified oxygen or oxygen cocktail reception).

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